
Where do I find anti-Disney stuff for a site?

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I'm looking for articles and such about Disney's child labour, underhanded corporate practises, and the homophobic/sexist/racist subtext in their programing.

Please no whining about how I'm ruining a childhood institution, if you objectively watch the movies you will see how inapt the material actually is for children.

the site is for anyone who wants to see what I've already got.




  1. Best source is Neal Gabler's biography of Walt Disney. Here's a website reviewing the book (Business Week, so it's objective and you can trust it, unlike the Wikipedia axe-grinders.)

  2. These are some personal observations that annoy me about Disney.  I hate the role models that the films create for girls (You can be Belle! You can be Pocahontas!) and how the characters rarely or never have a mom or positive female role model. I hate the Hannah Montana character and how much my 10 year old emulates her. And how Hannah Montana would never know what emulates means. You go...I hate Disney and I hate its influence on my 3 girls.

  3. Classic Disney's not on my c**p list but the current Disney definitely is. Whatever this c**p is on Disney Channel would turn Walt Disney over in his grave. If you dislike Disney, you may enjoy this site:

  4. I have always felt that Disney was perverted. They put subliminal messages of p**n in their cartoons that children watch. If you slow down the reels from the Rescuers, there is a brief shot of a topless woman with a face like a demon. They also put a phallic symbol in the palace of the Little Mermaid:

    And in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Jessica Rabbit is seen briefly flashed without any underwear on. Exposing children to this kind of erotica is beyond evil. But this is no surprise considering that Walt Disney was a (Luciferian) 33rd Degree Freemason!

    To answer your question about where to find anti-Disney stuff, just do a google search on Disney subliminal messages, and you will get plenty. Best of luck

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