
Where do I find info on learning to live in trailer home located I rual south?

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I have lived in big city all my life.Which means I know nothing about dealing with the task of home owner ship in Arkansas.How do I treat the grass to get ride of snakes, rats ants, let alone keeping critters out side of house




  1. I assume you've lived in apts? A mobile home is really no different than a house, except there's no basement. I own a mobile home, it's very nice, fireplace, french doors, garden tub, etc. Unless yours is very old, that stigma of "trailer parks" as an above answerer put it, is outdated. My park is gated, with paved streets, landscaping, pools, ponds, and alot of great ammenities. I don't live in the south, but in Kansas. Unless you're in the "boonies", I doubt you'll have snakes, etc. Although, I'm in the largest city in Kansas & have seen some snakes around here. They're part of life. Keep your yard cut & under control, don't have wood piled up around your house & you should be fine. Buy a jug of Bayer Home Defense & spray around the outside of the house to keep ants, etc. out. You'll be fine. It's a big adjustment going from a big city to a small town or in the country, but after you get used to it, you may really like it. Good luck.

  2. i'd say theres no literature on how to switch from big city to trailer park'll probably have to go with it and you'll learn as you go

  3. It's called manufactured housing.

    I'm doubting you will have any rats in your grass.  You might run across a field mouse now and then.  Snakes won't be in your grass, either, unless you don't cut it.  Get used to that.  You don't mow  here.  You cut grass  :)

  4. Are you sure your imagination isn't working overtime?  I own a house, make that 2 houses, in the rural south (different states) and don't have the problems you allude to.  I cannot understand that thing about snakes, rats, ants, and keeping other critters out of the house; it does have doors and windows, doesn't it? You'll be surprised that even in the rural south, we call it "out in the country", there are reputable pest control companies who treat houses for termites and other pests.

    I've seen some lovely trailer homes and the people don't have to deal with those problems either.  The only thing I can imagine that would bring the pests, is that the lawn has been neglected and the grass is taller than the windows.  If you have it mowed, you may find a couple of cars sitting up on blocks.  In the "rural south" we call that someone's lost 401k fund.

    Arkansas is a beautiful state.  Show yourself to be friendly and helpful and the citizens will respond in kind.

  5. The only animals you really need to worry about a the bugs, ants and cockroaches.  Keep your grass mowed and your yard and house clean and snakes and rats won't be a problem.

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