
Where do I find the lowest cost long distance service?

by Guest63172  |  earlier

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Where do I find the lowest cost long distance service?




  1. your cell phone.

  2. Maybe u should try out the Cordia VOIP Magellan plan at . Cordia VOIP Magellan plan enable callers to dial the Magellan number that they provided to u and reach u on the landline or mobile phone wherever you are in the world with their local rates.

    Or u can try out Cordia VOIP other plans at  

    They are running a promotion right now where u can enjoy the first month free for all Cordia VOIP plans. The promotion code is AGLEEX182X. But if u forgot to enter this code, u will not enjoy the first month free.

    Cordia VoIP or broadband phone service can help save customers up to 65 percent of their monthly phone bill. In addition, Cordia offers more than 25 international calling plans along with the ability to choose international phone numbers from more than 300 cities in more than 40 countries.

    Good luck.

  3. the cheapest is with!!!

    LD is totally free to Canada and in the US

  4. Personally if you are using phone cards I find the best thing to do is to go to one of those smaller Grocery stores owned by Asian and other ethnic peoples.  A lot of these stores will sell phone cards that are cheaper than going to your bigger chain stores. On top of that, these owners normally know which cards will give you the best rates without cheating you.  There are some cards that scam you out of your minutes by charging your hidden fees or else they don't count your minutes right. So what seems like a deal may not be a deal. There are plenty of cards for 1 Cent a minute within North America but a few of them end up chargning like 2-3 cents after their "errors".  There are also Long distance companies that you can sign up for phone to and by dialing a local number first (like a phone card but you don't have to punch in a pin) and then you can dial out. These are pretty good to. Xpress call is one that comes to mind for me. But there are lots out there.

  5. Lowest cost at

  6. It depends where you live. In UK we have which reduced my long distance phone call bills by 95%.I dont see anybody beating them In UK so far.

  7. get VOIP in your house..flat fee.  I prefer the AT&T Callvantage service.  Vonage stinks.

  8. Depends on where you want the lowest rates to...

    Lowest cost long distance service is an ongoing debatable issue...

    But, if you want the "easiest" long distance service at a very good rate (in USA/Canada), then I suggest Yak USA or Yak Canada.  Here is why:

    Nothing to buy...

    You don't need a computer...

    Nothing to install...

    No service to subscribe to...

    No contracts, fees or hidden costs

    No credit cards needed...

    Pay only for your call time... 5 cents/min in USA/Canada

    Just dial 1010YAK  (1010925), then your destination phone number - that's it!

    The phone call charges automatically show up on your local telephone service monthly phone bill at 5 cents/min call rate.

    Yak isn't the cheapest - but likely the Easiest, at a good price.

  9. Buy   a phone card with out   service ,no charge at call and you caan minimize ur minutes.

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