
Where do I get a Martial Arts Tattoo?

by Guest61861  |  earlier

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I want to get a Krav Maga tattoo symbol on my body but not sure where to put it. I need an answer as to where to put it and / or what pictures to use! Thanks




  1. man, if you want a krav maga tattoo on you, then get a tattoo. it has nothing to do with being the proverbial "master"...what the h*ll is a "master" anyway? lol ...there are no ranks in krav maga that i know of. and anyone who calls HIMSELF a master is probably not. other people see them as masters, or other masters award the title. it isnt to be used by ones self.

    how many street punks know what that symbol is? few. i know a hapkido instructor who has the kanji for hapkido tattooed on his chest...noone challenges him...why is that?

    David...sorry man i have to disagree. plus....not all tattooes are plainly visible. i have plenty, but you can only see one of them.

    chest or shoulder is a good place to start (not your shoulder blade, but your upper arm)

    seriously though, i have some experience with tattoos....ask the tattooist. certain shapes and patterns fit certain parts of the body better than others.

  2. Why are you asking strangers about such a personnel decision?

  3. Don't even THINK about it unless you are a Master!

    You may run across Krav Maga practitioners who will want you to prove that you are WORTHY of wearing such a permanent mark on yourself! Such a tattoo would also be an open challenge to every punk who walks past you on the street (even if you happen to be going to church.)

    This will happen for the rest of your life!!


  4. At a tattoo parlor.. where the heck else do you get any kind of tattoo...

  5. Didn't you already ask this question? Just put it somewhere where people can see it.

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