
Where do I get a Martial Arts tattoo on my body?

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I want to get a Krav Maga tattoo symbol on my body but not sure where to put it. I need an answer as to where to put it and / or what pictures to use! Thanks




  1. Try putting it on your skin. It looks better that way..... lol.  How about the side of your arm?

  2. Well whats become a tradition at my dojo, the guys, when awarded their 1st dan, get the club dragon logo tatooed on their chest.

    Really curious as to what would happen when a female finally achieves 1st dan there??

  3. Head.


  4. Speaking from personal experience the upper arm hurts a helluva lot less than the chest or the shoulder-blade.  The upper calf might be a good spot (but I don't have one there yet).

    Kristy - well, your female blackbelt could get a variation of the guys design, or I'd go with the shoulder-blade.

  5. 99% of people who get a tattoo regret the decision later in life and tattoos are one of the major causes for the spread of hepatitis C

    But if you feel you must a dragon on one side of your chest a tiger on the other side facing each other.

    There is even a legend to go with it.

    The eternal struggle of the dragon and the tiger to capture the pearl of wisdom.

    The tiger represents brute strength ferocity attack .

    The dragon represents suppleness deflection defense

    Neither can ever win the pearl of wisdom because neither will accept one is no good without the other.

    Enough philosophy for one day.

    As for women I kind of like where CHER has hers.

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