
Where do I get a license/permit work in my uncle’s restaurant?

by  |  earlier

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My uncle opened a nice restaurant, and says he can hire me work there. But I first need to get some sort of license from New York or permit in order to work there.

It’s not only food that they server there, but soon alcohol as well, and there’s a club upstairs.

He said I need to pass first a test in order for me to get the permit/license. Where do I sign up for the test?

He told me what to do, but I forgot, lol, and I can’t find his number...




  1. You need to get a food handlers license from some city and or government agency, it's easy. Ask anyone working in any food place you go into, they should know exactly where you need to go in the local area. You could even order a pizza, then ask them when you order it, hows that? lol

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