
Where do I get acting experience? Theater at college? Sounds g*y. I want to go straight to it!?

by Guest33203  |  earlier

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Where do I get acting experience? Theater at college? Sounds g*y. I want to go straight to it!?




  1. WHY???? would you say that getting experience in college *sounds g*y*?  Who do you think is going to hire you WITHOUT the proper education and experience?  If not college, where do you intend to be expertly trained?  Or do you think that actors just stand up and rant?  There are some independent schools that provide acting training, but these are similar to college or graduate level in their expectations and intensity.  I certainly hope that you find a vehicle for your talent, if you actually have some, that matches your arrogance.  And it is SO WORTH losing points if you report me - I defend all of us who are full-time working arts professionals!

  2. the fact of the matter is, im am a theater producer for and where you went to school means next to nothing.  Honestly, even shows that you have done mean very little.  The only thing that we look at is talent with cold reading.  Generally speaking, if someone has innate talent, it will show there.  Especially in a long fun session.  People will tell you that you need this class and that, but generally they are money making scams.  I have not hired people who had their ba in theater and a great resume, and hired part time bus boys instead becasue they simply had the talent.  My advice, is find a small community theater or something of that nature, get into the group and learn from them.  Next is take risks constantly, and don't care.  The actor who has the least fear wins.  good luck.

  3. There is nothing "g*y" about theater at college. However you do have a point, it is not completely necessary to have formal acting training to be an actor, especially if you are a natural. You may want to start small, such as picking up parts in communtiy theatre productions, and try to build your way up. Community theatre is a great way to build your reume if you have no formal training. That said however, be honest with yourself, if you think formal acting training is g*y, what makes you think you'll enjoy the actual experience of acting? It isn't as glamorous as it seems on TV.

  4. First of all, using the term "sounds g*y" isn't going to fly in the acting world. Cause you're going to encounter a lot of them.

    Secondly, college was the absolute best thing about my acting career. Many of my classmates and cast mates have gone into maters programs.

    If you aren't acting professionally right now, then you aren't going to get there just by skipping college.

    College can actually get you the connections that you need to get a good job in theater. You also have the opportunity to learn about all the different aspects of theater. I found that I have a nack for sound design. It's not my #1, but I can use it to get my foot in the door at a theater. Also, most directors look at college experience. Not necessarily where you went, but that you did go and did something while you were there.

    You want to go to a school where you can get a lot of experience on stage and behind stage, lots of know-how, and lots of support. It is a great way to network yourself with other actors and mentors. And I highly suggest doing summer stock theater during your summer breaks instead of getting a burger job. Even more ways to network yourself. (And in acting, it's often WHO you know.)

    With the summer stock and college, I was able to build my resume and still had food on the table. It's a way to learn about the waters and test them out before jumping in and realizing you're over your head. Also, the people I have worked with are all over the US in NYC and LA and I keep track of all of them and we send each other audition updates and acting information.

    I got a great acting job because a college professor had a former student looking for actors and my professor recommended me.

    And any kind of degree is a good fall back. Don't poo-poo it before you do it.

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