
Where do I go to find home schooling books for high school?

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I have a upcoming freshman and I can't find books anywhere I don't want anything religious we don't school like that. I do need something that will go up to 12 and she doesn't want to do the computer. We teach unorthodox school if anything it' involves more of the earth and such.




  1. Check out Butch's Secular Curriculum list -

    Singapore Math has Math, Science and Language Arts texts.

    You can try Oak Meadow,  Calvert and if your looking for a 'boxed', all-one-supplier approach. Otherwise a couple of weeks spent looking at different supliers with your child might turn up some different currriculum that looks intereting to the both of you.

  2. Why not browse the library and just use regular books?  There's no need for text books if you have a motivated student who wants to learn anyway.

  3. By February my family would have launched a website that will help you find things like that. The link is

  4. If you do a search on "high school textbooks" you will get lots and lots of hits including the major public school textbook publishers (Prentice Hall, Thomson, etc.).

    Plus you will see that Amazon carries textbooks and there are specialty online stores that sell new and used textbooks.

  5. has a lot of stuff.  I know a lot of the books are Christian, but I don't think all of them are.

    Another option would be to go to a college bookstore and see if there are any textbooks you think would be appropriate for her.  I found that a lot of my college textbooks just repeated what I learned in high school and weren't all that much different, so if she's clever, I bet she could handle some of the college material.  You could also try searching for books on (the textbook division of ebay).

  6. well most of the best homeschooling books are gonna have at least a little religion. &

    are both pretty good.  give them a try.

  7. Check out for Barb Shelton's High School Home School Form U La for ideas, forms and articles on teaching high schoolers. Then you can try rainbow resource, timberdoodle, cbd, and all the other normal home school curriculum dealers; as well as your local library.

  8. try

  9. Any decent book store, local op-shops, small-ads, the library, anywhere that books tend to gather really.

    Also check to see if she can join the library at your local university - I'm 15, been unschooled all my life and only recently discovered I could join the University library here. I just wish I had discovered their library heaps sooner, it's an amazing place.

  10. There's always Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Borders.

    You can buy any published book out there and Follettes and MacMillian and McGraw-Hill have a large variety of texts.

    There are one or two secular sources.

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