
Where do I go to register my blog so I can start getting some readers?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just getting started writing my own sports blog. I at least want to get this thing registered so people can find it otherwise I'm just writing to myself which is fun for a while but then yeah I need some readers. Any tips on registering a blog or tips from someone who has been somewhat successful with a blog your input would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Submit your blog to to view your blog in google search..

    For more tips visit


    this a good and best web-blog site for free.

    see this sample.

  3.     Hi there,


    Here are some tips to help you promote your blog.


    Make sure that you promote your blog by joining the blogging community.  Creating a larger presence for your blog online will result in more blog readers and possibly, more customers:


      Ã‚·Add the address for your blog to email signatures and include mention in any ezine or email newsletter you have to let readers know about your blog.


      Ã‚·Mention your blog on appropriate forums.  For example, if your company offers resume writing services, consider writing about your blog in job-hunt forums. 


      Ã‚·Allow for readers’ commentary on your blog.  Many online blog publishing programs already allow this.  If your readers can post their comments and read the comments of other readers, they are more likely to return to your blog regularly, and so keep your company name in mind.


      Ã‚·Make your blog searchable through your interests. Many blog programs allow you to create a user profile, which allows readers to search for you and your blog by interest topic and locations, in many cases.  Do not overlook this simple way to draw readers.  Simply fill out your profile, taking care to use many “interests” to attract more readers and browsers.


        If you want to make your blog a publicity-boosting machine, you will have to make sure that you work at making your blog a marketing tool rather than a personal expression:


      Ã‚·Offer something for the media.  Offering free articles that web users can reprint elsewhere and offering media kits can help make it easier for the media and other online users to generate publicity.


      Ã‚·Add pictures and ads to your blog that can promote your company.  Small banner ads or promotions can let readers know what you are offering without bogging down your blog with sales copy.


      Ã‚·Do not be afraid to enthuse about your company.  You can easily talk about your business without sounding like an annoying salesperson.  For example, note the challenges you faced to start a new project or service in your business – this will help sell the new division or service without sounding too pushy. 


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