
Where do I go to sell a soda idea?

by  |  earlier

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I created a soda that is really really good, so good that many have already tried to steal it from me. I want to know where I can go to sell it to a major soda maker that will actually listen to me.




  1. The first thing you need to do is to get your recipie protected. I don't know the exact specifics about how that is done and if it is even the same as getting a pattent but look into that first. That way as any compnay may try to get your recipie you will be protected.

    Now, the major soda makers will most likely only be interested in simply buying your recipie from you. There would be good money in that up front. However, if you want even better money and for long term then you will want to make, bottle, and distribute it yourself. I believe that some major soda makers will allow you to rent and use their facilities for this just as micro brewers do.

    You will undoubtly need a lawyer too.

  2. I'd recommend starting of small - but first get a patent on the recipe - somehow!!!

    Make up and sell at local fares, get the papers and local radio interested, get a catchy name and hopefully you will gain respect, momentum and get recognized and then things will start to happen.

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