
Where do I go whe I get to Rome?

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Where do I go whe I get to Rome?




  1. This site will give more idea where you should go when you get to Rome.

  2. Rome is an amazing city.  There are SO many things to do.  A word of caution though.  It was very dirty and the people rude.  I am glad we went and saw what we saw but I don't think that I would ever want to go back there!

  3. Rome is such an amazing city and there are tons of places to go. When I was there, we got a map from the hotel front desk that had the metro stops marked and easily marked the locations of the tourist type things. You, of course, must visit the Trevi Fountain and throw a coin in which is supposed to ensure a return trip to Rome. Also, you have to find a good restaurant and get some authentic Italian food.

  4. Van is SO right.  There is an old saying: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.  They do NOT walk around with tourist maps.  Ask the folks where you are staying about interesting things to do or see near  your lodgings.  Do a little "homework" before you travel; find out where the things you are interested in are located.  It is much better to be able to tell a taxi to take  you to "Piazza di'Spagna" than "the Spanish Steps".  The more you blend in, the less likely it is that you will become a target for petty thieves.

    That said, I can't think of anything that anyone would want to do that you can't do in Rome.  The history and culture are incredible and the people are super.  The food (and, of course, the wine) are superb.  Rome can be the trip of a lifetime if you prepare for the experience in advance.

    Buon divertimento!

  5. To your hotel or hostel.  Then just walk around exploring the area near there.  That should be first because then you know where you are and what to look for in case you get lost.  You can pick a route to take on a map but do it in your hotel.  You don't want to walk around with a map like a dork...easy target.

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