
Where do I learn to swim???

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Where do I learn to swim???




  1. local swimm centre

    local pool will have courses and if they dont they will know who  to ask

  2. you can get a membership at the YMCA and get swim classes like i did and i a good at swimming now.Even if you get the membership though you still have to pay to get swim lessons.

  3. You can try going to your local swimming pool to learn.

  4. Watermania? which is really just a funpark, but you learn by doing.

    Also look at your school bulletins, they should have something on a swimming program at a community centre.

    or just go to a local community center.

  5. most public pools offer swim lessons, or you could ask a parent or close friend. the YMCA has lessons for sure.

  6. in your mother's womb

  7. any simming team most likley has a progem to teach people to swim

  8. Any aquatic center or get a personal trainer

  9. Visit your local community center (like the YMCA) or community pool and ask if they do swimming lessons.  You can also check the classifides and ads in your local newspaper.. there might be some ads for lessons in there, since summer's coming up.

  10. go 2 a boys and girls club

  11. The Local YMCA!

  12. take swimming lessens

  13. take swimming lessons

  14. YMCA has affordable swim lessons for all ages

  15. First thing to do is to ask any friends or family members (that you're comfortable with) and ask them for lessons if possible.

    If not, look up swim or swimming in the yellowbook to find a swimming club that offers lessons.

    If you're not older than your teens, you should consider taking their classes which is around $70 for a month of lesson; two times a week.

    If you're an older person, I suggest you take private lessons. Most of swimming clubs offer private lessons where it is a one on one session without other children. However, this tends to cost more.

    At the last resort, you could always practice by yourself with tips found online. Just search on google for "freestyle stroke instruction" or of the type and there should be tons of results. Just make sure you're safe when learning. Perhaps having a friends or family member watching that knows how to swim.

    Whatever you choose, I hope you learn swimming successfully. It is a lifetime sport and a great way to be in shape. It's going to be a bit tough, but good luck!

  16. in a swimming pool.

  17. the YMCA

  18. Jump in the pool is the best answer i can give ya

  19. Your local YMCA should offer swimming lessons as do most public pools.

  20. a swimming pool duh

  21. go to a local swiming pool

  22. the YMCA :D

    or any local simming center.

    To teach youself, start in the shallow end and doggy pattle ...

    Next step you have to kick those legs, and move those arms to move. Make sure someone is with you at all times when learning.

    best of luck!

  23. in the water or local pool how old r u


  24. The YMCA and usually has many programs!

  25. pppoool

  26. jump in a pool and wiggle your arms and legs, make sure theres a lifeguard just in case

  27. look up (your town's name) swimming lessons on google and u should find it

  28. Your local swim school

  29. In the water would be a good start...

  30. I dunno... I want to learn how to swim too!!!

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