
Where do I recycle double A batteries?

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Our county recycling center does not accept double a batteries, neither does Circuit city or any of the places that used to - where can I send mine?




  1. take them to your local waste disposal place they have a thing just for batteries

  2. You can find information about recycling batteries at:

    You can check with your local dump or even some utility companies like electric or water companies have recycling programs.  Some electric companies will also offer recycling for Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (aka CFL bulbs) which should not be thrown in the trash because they contain trace amounts of Mercury, also very bad for the environment.

  3. My local library has receptacles that collects them.  You may also want to check with your local post office.  Mine has bags for returning small electronics for free.

  4. well do what i do send them to the plastic bag hidden in your old mcdonalds container.

  5. Take them to your local landfill sight...or dump yard they can then dispose them for you

  6. It was suggested to me, to collect in a Kleenex box and taken to a recycling spot.  My box is not full, but hope to know where the spot is by then.  With rechargeable batteries, it will take a long time to fill my

  7. Winco does (in Roseville), as far as I know.  The tubes are at the front doors.

  8. your local recycling center will take them and dispose of them properly.

  9. Sometimes in the malls like Wallmart, sam`s club ... etc.. they have places so you just let your batteries and they send them to a recycle center


    Has a list of collection sites.

  11. trash can.   It will return to where it came

  12. usually they have bags that you can fill with batteries, i know in my county they are neon orange. your supposed to put them on top of your trash can when the garbage goes out and the trash guys can dispose of them, but if you dont have that then the people at the local landfill will take care of them for you

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