
Where do Occupational therapists who specialize in mental health work?

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Where do Occupational therapists who specialize in mental health work?




  1. Most likely in psychiatric hospitals or hospitals that deal in physical health but also have a psychiatric wing. I would imagine they would also work in residential treatment facilities.

  2. Usually for schools, like a school district will have maybe one or two OTs for all of the schools in the district. I've also seen a few OTs work at mental health clinics.

  3. I've seen OTs work hand in hand with PTs, SLPs, doctors and nurses.

    I work at a training center (institution) for mentally handicapped adults (there is an MH unit on our campus). They assist the individuals with daily living skills, swallowing food, and sensory defiencies.

  4. possibly a school for students with emotinal disabilities

  5. I would think that an OT could find a job anywhere.  There is a high demand for this position.  Check with schools, hospitals, residential hospitals, and other related places where OT's would normally work.

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