
Where do Republicans get the idea that Democrats want to do away with guns and get rid of the 2nd amendment?

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Where does this rumor come from?

Limitations and Regulations are not "Bans".




  1. Limitations and regulations are precursors for bans.

    It does not happen some of the time or most of the time it happens all of the time.

    Australia placed "reasonable" registration requirements on firearms only to confiscate them. FYI the crime rate has gone through the roof.

    England had understandable limitations on guns until a few years ago when they banned them. Now they are experiencing a huge wave of gun violence, seems criminals do not obey gun laws anymore than they obey others.

    Scotland used the Dunblane tragedy to confiscate citizen firearms. Crime rate through the ceiling

    Zimbabwe recently banned all handguns and semi automatic weapons to protect their citizens. Curiously enough two weeks later the government began razing the houses of their political opponents. Guess unarmed peasants are easier to slaughter.

    Canada recently went through the same sequence of events; reasonable restrictions then confiscation.

    At home California asked it citizens to register their so called assault rifles; it was for their own good after all. Guess what happened, that right confiscation, you are getting good at this.

    The rumors you speak of are absolutely true. If you are a Democrat WHY are you so in favor of gun control? It was one of the main factors in the Democrats losing Congress.

    Do you want a repeat?

  2. What about the DC gun "ban?" Thankfully it was ruled unconstitutional, but it withstood for along time. Same goes for Chicago. And democrats continually get elected in both those areas.

  3. No rumors there...Chicago and DC are the proof. Not to mention just look at Obama's voting record or the tactics Mayor Bloomberg or Negin and Daley use.

    Limitations and Regulations are getting way beyond common sense. Not to mention they only regulate and limit law abiding people and not the criminals who do not care about the laws, limits, and regulations.

    "The laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Can it be supposed that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of humanity ... will respect the less important and arbitrary ones ... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants, they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." — Thomas Jefferson

  4. Limitations and Regulations are not "Bans".

    Ugh..Yes they are and history proves it.

    What gives your party the right to limit and destroy a constitutionally protected right?

    The bill of rights protects our rights,but our rights don't come from it or government. This is something democrats don't seem to get.

    Have you honestly ever listened to a democrat on the subject? They have banned guns in DC,Chicago,New York city, and several areas surrounding those cities.They are slowly banning all in California,New Jersey,Massachusetts,and everywhere democrats hold a majority.

    It is a non stop fight in my home state of Illinois to protect the 2nd amendment against democrats.Our democratic state legislature and the loons from Chicago constantly try to pass complete bans.

    Check Obamas record on it.He has made it quite clear he wants to ban just about every gun made and wants to kill concealed carry in the 48 states that allow it.

  5. Because they assume that all Democrats are "Liberals"- a word that they automatically apply to anyone who disagrees with them, like sheep.

  6. Obama voted 100% of the time to disarm lawful citizens of Illinois. Simple math makes me believe so.

  7. Historically, registration has always been the first step to confiscation, and it's the Democrats who are always using the word "Ban" in their rhetoric, like the "Ban" on handguns in Washington DC, or the "Ban" on  military style weaponry.  If that's not what they mean then they need to stop saying it.  

  8. Because...they (the liberals) do not want anyone to oppose their socialistic can't take my money, freedom or liberties as long as I can oppose you, and the great equalizer in history has always been weapons...but there are other reasons just as valid and applicable...remember the 1st thing Herr Hitler did after taking power was...limit, then ban the private ownership of firearms. No one could then oppose his twisted will....gee, sound familiar?

  9. Where do Republicans get the idea that Democrats want to do away with guns and get rid of the 2nd amendment?

    It could be all the Democratic legislation and legislators which have sought to ban or limit citizen access to firearms.  

    You say, "Limitations and Regulations are not "Bans".

    Would you, for instance, accept Limitation and Regulations of your freedom of speech, your freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, or your rights to due process?  No, I didn't think so.  Do you understand the difference between a right and a privilege?  Only privileges can be revoked or restricted and this applies to things like drivers and hunting licenses.  Rights are something that come from God.  They are inalienable and it specifically mentions this in the Constitution.  Here is a definition for you.

    inalienable - not subject to forfeiture; "an unforfeitable right"

    If a right cannot be subject to forfeiture, this means that it should not be restricted, period.  Lets say that legislation was passed, which states that I may not have a firearm in a hospital.  Do you not see how that is a forfeiture of my right to bear arms?  The bill of rights only states that I have the inalienable right to bear arms.  It doesn't say when and where.  Seeing as how the Constitution was drafted, not to tell me what rights I have, but to limit government, the government does not have the right to limit my right to bear arms, unless it is specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

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