
Where do all the pills that we don't swallow go when they are disposed of?

by  |  earlier

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If we take pills and medicines to the chemist to be disposed of what happens to them?

If we don't take them to the chemist but just flush them down the loo, how do they get rid of the chemicals out of the water system?




  1. they will decompose into organic substances.

  2. If you flush them, you risk harming the environment by contaminating the water supply.  The filters are designed to take care of Poo and stuff, but not really Medicines of every shape and form.

    If you take them to the pharmacy like any reasponsible person with a brain would, they would be destroyed by incineration.

  3. They re dispense some, but most get incinerated.

  4. into the Environment

    so many billions of pills may have gotten the Environment pretty stoned

    maybe that is WHY it is all screwed up ????

    Mankind is responsible after all,

    for global warming¿¿¿

    and what makes you think that anyone has gotten even near to thinking about how to get rid of these chemicals

    we are all drinking them ,but very much diluted ofcourse

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