
Where do all these high school athletes and bodybuilders get steroids. they are illegal right?

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Where do all these high school athletes and bodybuilders get steroids. they are illegal right?




  1. Bribe doctors, steal doctor notes, drug dealers, cali or arizona form mexico, and if the northern states you get them from canada and overseas, other teammates, coaches, or you can make them yourslelf. Thats what i do but to be safe i wont say how.

  2. First if you don't know they are illegal your to young to have any steroids and if you do get them your school will end up doing random drug test, cause this happened at my high school and we couldn't make it into any playoff games.

  3. Haha

  4. Yea they are illegal and you could be arrested for using them plus your team could get in serious trouble and not be able to play, ect.. Mostly from doctors who want to make an extra buck or drug dealers. But why do you want to know?

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