
Where do atheist go when they die, if they don't believe in anything ?

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Where do atheist go when they die, if they don't believe in anything ?




  1. same place you do, why do you not get buried?

    do god transport your body to heaven, and revive you back to life than restore your body?

  2. 6 feet under, just like you.  

  3. Not to be judgemental here, but the bible clearly states that everyone will have the chance to believe in Jesus. To all those that dont believe their fate will be sealed. They will be guilty of all the sins they have done because they have no savior to redeem them. In that case their eternal destination would be h**l. God has declared he wouldnt destroy the world into the gospel is preached throughout the whole world. No soul will go to h**l because they didnt get a chance to hear the gospel. Everyone there will have heard it and decided not to accept it.

  4. They get a free pass to h**l!! :-)


  5. Three hits of acid, and a never ending cigarette... thats where I go...

  6. Las Vegas

  7. taco bell

  8. Well, that depends on how we define ourselves. If it's the body, then it's six feet under, a crematory urn, the bottom of the sea, the inside of the thing that ate us...

    If it's our personality, our awareness, then once brain activity shuts down, we're just not there any more. There's no self to go anywhere independently of the physical form that houses us. (Leaving aside speculations about the feasibility of transference into a computer as they can't be realised with current technology.)

  9. I believe that I, along with everyone else, cease to exist when the body dies.

    By the way, I do believe in things.  I just happen to not believe in any god/s.

  10. The ground.

    lol @ the first three.

  11. The ground... Were you expecting something cooler?

  12. Back into the earth's recycling bin.

    I don't have an overwhelming need to believe that I have an eternal soul.  I don't fear non-existence.

  13. I believe in plenty of things. To assume otherwise is to show your ignorance.

    My organs will be donated and I will be cremated upon my death.

  14. Same place as everybody else. Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.

  15. 6 feet under, just like you.

  16. We don't go anywhere.

    We stay in our coffin, like everyone else.  

  17. We have the same choice as religionists - cremation or decomposition.  Irrespective of what you believe, that's what happens.

    Atheists:  just like religionists but with the BS and delusion taken out

  18. We don't go anywhere, we just mentally cease to exist.  Our minds, our 'souls' if you will, disappear.  The body remains, but the mind does not.

  19. We go to Hutziplutz, like everyone else.

  20. The crematorium.  

  21. If I live as long as my mother did (80 years) then my assorted parts are likely to be pretty worn out by the time I'm done with them; nevertheless, U Toronto's med school is welcome to whatever's left of me and the students may carve it up however they please.

  22. The same place you were before you were born.

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