
Where do babies come from??

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Where do babies come from??




  1. didnt your mummy tell you the stork brings them!!

  2. china

    everything is made in china!

  3. ASDA

  4. The planet zognar, its all a right wing conspiracy.  

  5. Mummy's tummies. Duh!

  6. babies are first created when a female and a male have s*x. it is when the male sperm transports to the female body.

    then you get pregnant and the babie comes out of your v****a.

  7. The stork brings them. When he delivers the baby, he sometimes accidentally pricks mummy in her tummy, so she has to stay in bed for a few days.

    Some babies are hatched though, but that's these days. In old times, they came out of cabbage.

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