
Where do big directors choose their actors from and hold casting calls?

by  |  earlier

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and how do you find out where they are casting and all the info?? and which agencies do they usually go for when seeking actors and actresses? thanks




  1. For what? Movie directors hire their leads and major supporting actors directly. They do not hold casting calls. They hire casting directors to fill the smaller roles which are done with contacts with talent agents. Which agent depends on where the film is being shot.

  2. In some measure it depends on the scope of the project/production, and the genre.

      Casting, or at the very least, auditions,  is very often a committee situation Lorded over by a "Casting" Director, also part of a larger staff.

       Obviously, as I said, the scope and budget of a project matters. One might hardly expect a production company to SOLICIT an "A" list celeb, knowing full well the budget contstraints call for a $2 million dollar film, not intended to be major box office, and probably unable to secure the services of that "A" list personality.

       That doesn't say that the "A" list is excluded from having to audition, but I suspect anyone you see in the top ten in the credits, has been "solicited"

       While I'm not at all in favor of AGENTS, obviously so many youth who come here, think AGENT first??? I personally have a very low regard for the type, and say so often. My notion is usually, an Agent is someone, perhaps considered, when one no longer really needs one.

       The "FILTERING" down of who else fills a production cast list might be sent to various, hopefully reputable AGENCIES, or just open auditions, IF the time frame to begin production allows. In both genres, scheduling and timing are as important as the $$$ at any box office. In film that would be even more critical, and in film there are enough usual delays and over-runs anyway.

       I'm quite sure production companies as well as casting directors, of any successful venture, know where to begin looking at the very least. In theater, especially smaller venues, the company might have "R.A.'s",  Resident artists, similar in context to interns, who stay a season, and are often the LEADS in the scheduled performances. Then too, open auditions or call backs to other, previous artists coud/would happen.

    Just my 2 "scents"

  3. all real agents are free.

    and only get 10-20 % of the money you make doin commercials etc.

    if some1 says you ahve to pay them for them to be your agent they their a scam!

    and you need to bget experience cause it will look great on your resume example:

    acting classes

    singing classes

    plays(major roles wouild look great)

    and go to for auditions hope i helped

    and for agents.

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