
Where do butterflies find boyfirends and girl friends, cause you only ever see one, an ther aint that many?

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Where do butterflies find boyfirends and girl friends, cause you only ever see one, an ther aint that many?




  1. ?

  2. speak for yourself i have seen the whole world covered in Monarch butterflies

  3. put out a dish with sugar water in it play some soft music sit back and watch the show.

  4. .................if you live in a city dont expect to see many.

    Butterflies mate during spring and then they die within 3-7 weeks.Each butterflie leaves ~200 eggs.

  5. I believe there is a mail order bride service for butterflies only - they simply pick which one they fancy then it is shipped over from an exotic country for them

  6. They mate on the bark and leaves of the trees.

  7. life sucks

    and its precious little treasures like butterflies are reserved for those worthy of attention...

  8. cause the die quickly ...

  9. I am not sure about butterflies in general, but monarchs mate in Mexico before migrating north in the spring and laying their eggs. While there they gather in large groups. The pictures on my link below should give you an idea.

  10. Plant some tomatoes and you'll learn all about the life cycle of those little white butterflies that lay tomato worm eggs on your plant!

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