
Where do cops hang out???

by Guest63093  |  earlier

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Are there really "cop bars"?? Do they refuel on booze like Bender from Futurama?

I swear I just KNOW someone is gonna say Dunkin Donuts!!!!!!

BTW arent cops worried about people spitting in their food?




  1. typically on duty the hang out is anywhere there is free Wi-Fi...I work night shift so the hang out is either a Denny's, Ihop, or corner store...

    yes there are "cop bars" but I have no clue where they are...typically "you dont sh** where you eat" that goes both ways ie dont arrest give citations to those who feed you and give you free coffee....

    most of the "old school" cops are retiring and the new blood is coming in...staying healthy is oneof the primary focuses of us new im at least looking at 7 years of life after i

  2. Dunkin Donuts or

    the 24 hr Quikie Mart

  3.   Yes there are cop bars and there are also private clubs for police officers. The number of alcoholics in the police ranks are reflective of the number of alcoholics in society. Divorce and suicide rates are high and most police officers only live 5 years after retiring. It's a very high stress occupation.

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