
Where do farts come from?

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Get it? It is an astronomy joke.




  1. good one haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha

  2. Read "The HISTORY OF FARTING" by  Dr. Benjamin Bart

    ISBN 1-85479-754-9

    Published in 1995 in Great Britain by Micheal O'Mara Books Ltd. Tremadoc Road

    London SW4 7NQ.

  3. Yes......except for you......aliens use their probes to fill you with hot air everynight while you're sleeping.

  4. you must have a big a**s to fit 64 earths up it. *cough*cough*perv*Cough*

  5. Beans, beans, the musical meal.

    The more you eat, the more you toot.

    The more you toot, the better you feel.

    So eat beans with every meal.

    (Anonymous, from Earth).

    However, it is probable that the principal f**t factory is off-world, on Titan:  they have whole lakes of liquid methane and the stuff even rains.

    Compare to that, ours are quickly gone with the wind.  

    We certainly can't hold up a candle to that.

    Venus has an atmosphere so rich in sulfur compounds that a single whiff would shame a whole 5th-grade class of boys stuffed with egg-salad sandwiches (with onions and olives).

    Don't get me started on Solar wind!

  6. does your mummy know you are still awake?

  7. Haha, did you know that it actually isn't pronounced as Your a**s, or Urine Us, or Your An @&$...

    Its pronounced Yer-en-es!!

  8. 8| its funny, but... not funny enough.

  9. Wow good one there! Thanks for the laugh man! Seriously, if anyone travels there, don't forget some peptol bismol.

  10. Hahaha thats a good one.

  11. out of ur a**s

  12. Lol, lol, lol, actually I'm Roflmao!  Surely you need no real "answer" to that question!  Cause, it's actually a much more physical "thing" than just a joke!

  13. Astronomical humor.

    A particle was driving down the road, and looked at it's speedometer.  It said, "OMG, I'm lost."


    OK, so it's an old one. Here's one i made up.


    The speed of light is finite.  It goes about a foot in a billionth of a second.  So you don't see things as they are, you see them as they were when the light left them.  So, when i see my girlfriend at 6 feet away, i don't see her as she is, but rather as she was 6 nanoseconds ago.  And if she's 100 feet away, then i see her as she was 100 nanoseconds ago.  She was younger then, and was more beautiful.  At our age, every little bit helps.

    Of course, i understand that i look better from a distance as well.

  14. HAHAHA!good one bro!

  15. Hey brad_hohne, lighten up - pull that bug out of uranus!

  16. From the moon, of course.

  17. taco bell

  18. psycho beat me to it !

  19. when cornporto , pulls out of you !

  20. hahaha lol

  21. haha...did you know that you could fit 64 Earths inside Uranus?

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