
Where do find the diginty of man?

by  |  earlier

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the dignity of man.. the very purpose of being..




  1. in his crack.....if his booty is clean, he must care about himself... LOL

  2. In his brain...and if he uses his brain you will just see the dignity of the man when you meet him.

  3. 2 inches to the right of the belly button.The soul is 2 inches to the left.

  4. I find it in sentence structure, and the communication of ideas.

  5. You seem to be very spiritual. You'll find your answer in your own time & in your own way. You won't find it on here.

  6. The dignity of man is found in his actions.  Treating others with respect and consideration, and caring for the lesser creatures of the earth.  It is not merely in helping others, but in helping them help themselves, so as to break the negative cycle they may currently experience.  It is in the efforts to build up the confidence of others, allowing them to feel good about themselves and the world around them.  It is treating all in the manner in which you wish to be treated.

  7. I don't understand the question. Are you refering to a book?

    Dignity is a social construct.

  8. Philosophically........

    In his heart.  In his soul.

  9. Genesis. created in God's image

  10. This question is unclear

  11. Dignity is earned and learned.  It is easily seen in how a person handles the old, the young, the unloved, the disadvantaged, the animals and if all the things this person has charge of THRIVE.............Then you have seen dignity at its finest.

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