
Where do i buy chickens!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my cousins want to buy chickens but don't know where to buy them.




  1. well vivian, my dad is going to buy it near the mountains.

  2. if you are in city pet shoo or pet shop

    or if you are neare contry some piople have hen an may they bye chick.

  3. There are several reputable hatcheries, including Murray McMurray and Ideal. They are mailed very soon after they hatch and require quite a bit of care for the first few weeks. Both hatcheries offer start up kits. Another good resource for chicken info is They have a lot of starting out info. I have 5 hens and thoroughly enjoy them. Good luck on your endeavor.

  4. Type in chicken hatchery's and all kinds will pop up

    Try local feed supply stores these type places do have some around spring not before if in hurry ask local farmers or someone who has chickens if they are expecting peeps and are they wanting to sell any or place ad on web also ck on web for rescure chickens this is always a need.

  5. Go to your local feed store they can probably have the name of someone in the area that raises chickens or some feed stores let people put up cards on their bulliten board of chickens they have for sale.If their is a live stock auction in your area they usually auction off chicks,here they usually go for no more than$2 s chick.Also you can order from a hatchery,just do an internet search to find the one that has the breeds you want.I have got chicks from Ideal and Welp before,sometimes you have a few dead ones in the box by the time it gets thru the mail and to you so pick them up from the post office as soon as they come in to better there chances of survival.

  6. Go to Cackle

      They have pictures of all kinds of chickens and they give you alot of information about the particular breed.

       They are the only web site that I have been on that will sell less than 25 chicks in an order.

    Good Luck

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