
Where do i buy tortoise grass food?

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i just bought a SULCATA TORTOISES. they say feed it grasses where do i get these?




  1. If you google 'tortoise seeds' you get several hits.

    I hope you did your research before buying this species- it is the most often abandoned species because it gets so big.

  2. along with the girl above me i would say you can grow your own grasses too.....i grow bermuda grass, strawberries, red leaf lettuce and squash..and hibiscus and nastariums (sp)

    I also buy collard greens and mustard greens and alfalfa...the alfalfa i would hold off on tho until your tortie gets a lil bigger sometimes the sharp edges of the hay will poke their eyes..either that or shred it really good

  3. don't you have grass in your backyard?

  4. They can eat a variety of grasses including crab grass. They also enjoy dandelion leaves and flowers (the stems are poisonous to them). I feed mine cactus, spinach, romaine lettuce, now and then food pellets, I treat her with strawberries, grapes, and tomatoes (no leaves, also poisonous). They can eat hay too. Here is a site or two that may help....

    Good luck and Happy some heavy reading on your heavyweight pet!

  5. try ebay i just bought grass seeds to grow for my sisters tortoise.

  6. Zoo Med make a Grass Tortoise food, they are pellets that you soak in a bit of water. I use then mixed with green. But it has all kinds of grass in it and it is convenient.

    You can also feed them alf-alfa and timothy hay, but they also will eat all of this stuff

    Buffalo grass

    Bermuda grass

    Orchard grass

    Big Bluestem

    Little Bluestem

    Western wheatgrass

    Blue Grama

    Arizona Fescue

    Lawn Fescue

    Sheep Fescue

    Creeping Red Fescue


    Prickly Pear Cactus pads

    Broadleaf Plaintain or Buckhorn Plantain

    Globe Mallow

    London Rocket or Tumble Mustard



    Roses- flowers only



    Hibiscus- flowers and leaves

    Geranium- leaves and flowers

    Grape- leaves only

    Check out They have tons of info.

    ***Sulcatas eat alot more then what growsin your yard. They're from the grasslands in Africa...

  7. normally you can find it at the place you bought if you bought it from a store but it you didn't just go online to some pet store and see what you can find

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