
Where do i cross the border in texas to take the most scenic coastal route to cancun?

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going to cancun area for fun and sun for 6 months and want the most scenic route down there.cheaper the better.hostels beaches hot girls ya know the whole 9 yards for a single freshly divorced guy...




  1. Try "Lonely Planet" guidebooks.

    Try Mapquest or Yahoo maps.  It might depend on where you are starting from (North, East, or West) where you

    want to cross.

    You will be traversing the Yucatan Peninsula to get to Cancun.  The roads aren't always all that great.  They can be hard on a car.  

    Be safe when you go.  Driving in  Mexico isn't like driving in the U.S.  I suggest you check with an American Consulate in Mexico (you can surf the internet for this

    info.  They might also be able to help you with scenic


  2. Last question I read of yours you were looking for a way to sneak yourself into Mexico. How do you plan to sneak a car in Sparky?  I would give a fist full of pesos to watch you try to get by that 2nd border.My best advice is learn to speak as much Spanish as possible before you go because that is language your gate keepers will be speaking in that Mexican Jail you are headed to right after they confiscate and auction off your ride.

    You say you are going to Cancun the Most Expensive Destination in Mexico for Six Months and yet you are looking for the CHEAPEST ROUTE, to get there plus HOSTELS, CAMPGROUNDS and a CHEAP APARTMENT.

    Too Funny!!!  You really need to stay home and finsh your last two years of high school.

  3. Not a very good idea; but it is possible:

    From Texas, the most coastal route would be crossing thru Brownsville and go all the Gulf of México, you will cross the next mexican states: Tamaulipas, Veracruz (it worth the trip, you would see), Tabasco (this is the problem, it has been a big disaster just one month ago, similar to that in New Orleans, the highways could be not good enough yet), Campeche (you arrive to Yucatán penninsula here), Yucatán (the state; there are three states at the penninsula), and you take the poll highway to Cancún, at Quintana Roo state.

    Check at Goggle earth, it is better than any map.

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