
Where do i get a cheap short board?

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I have a fun board that ive been using for about 3 or 4 years know and i need a short board!!

I've been using my friends' board for comps, but i want my own.

My parents said i had to buy my own but i dont have alot of money!!

Help ?!




  1. Do you live in an area where you have a local pennysaver? People are always getting rid of their boards in those things.  Stay away from craigslist unless you want to get scammed.

    Also if you have any local surf shops, you can sometimes get a used board from people looking to sell them on consignment (this means the person selling the board will get the money once the buyer pays the shop).

    If you happen to see a board you do like, you can sometimes talk to the shop, and ask if the person selling the board is willing to drop some money for you.  Right now is a great time to buy a used board because it is the wintertime, and you'll probably find more boards out there.

    One last thing you can do is ask the people who are out in the water with you.  You'd be surprised how easy it would be to find someone who wants to get rid of a board.  It will also be easier to get a cheaper board when you negotiate in person.

    Good luck,

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