
Where do i get free used Solar Panels?

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Where do i get free used Solar Panels?




  1. I don't think you could find a shop or website for used ones, and anyone who had them wouldn't be likely to give them up quickly, seeing how they generate energy at no cost but cleaning, and are very, very reliable.  

    Your best bet would be to hang around blogs that discuss this sort of thing and maybe look for someone who wants to upgrade and for some reason get rid of thier old ones instead of just adding to the exsisting array.  Ebay or something similar would be the only other place.  Your best bet would probably be to get new ones, I'm afraid.

  2. If your looking for something to power part of a home or heat your water, I don't think you'll have much luck....they usually are attached to the roof, considered part of the home and sold with it.  Smaller panels for experiments and operating small appliances (100 watt) are not too expensive and would be better purchased new.

  3. The whitehouse was giving some away a few years ago- man, it must have been about 27 years ago now.   Either that or a dump I'd guess.

  4. There's always eBay.

  5. well, logically thinking, i dont think anybody would give up their solar panels. people want to use them so they would not be for free. besides, i think they are kinda expensive. i dont really think there is anywhere you could get used, free solar panels. but there is always ebay...

  6. My mother and some of her friends use Free Cycle, and have even gotten a working car off it (someone thought it was broken because it was just overfilled with gas). I'm kinda fuzzy on the idea, but it seems to be listings of stuff people no longer want and would rather give it away for free rather than sell it for whatever reason. You could get lucky looking around, you never know. It is pretty big.

    Like the others said if all else fails you could try ebay or something like craigslist.


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