
Where do i get help with paying for my daughter university course she attending at colege in septmber ?

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hello ppl in need of help !!!! my daughter is 17 she did a law course last yr in her first yr at college and is now doing a course this septmber at college but is a university course it is an ilex based course but we have been told it is not a higher education course neither a further education course .Due to it being 4 hrs a week its 2 courses in one for 2 yrs we have been to the civic center to try and get help for a grant for fees and have been told she cant get nothing .She astried on numerous occasions to get apart time job and she has no responce i am at my wits end now cause we have to fund this course which i woudnt have minded but we both her dad and me work al the hrs and we cant afford it my youngest is attending senior school this september and have got to sort her new uniform stuff out also .Does any one have any idea were we go next as i see that it is unffair that akid of her age is penalised and she wants so bad to do well and become a solicitor .If she was 18 and doin the university course at uni she woud be able to get help so whats the difference ? anyone with any ideas ?please and thanx for listerning sarah x*x




  1. Why is she taking a course that doesn't count for anything? Save your money and have her not take it, it's as simple as that.

  2. If it is a course at university she can still apply for a student loan regardless of her age.  Go to and there are lots of ways to borrow money or get grants.

  3. Go to the reference section of your local library, ask for a listing of local charitable trusts, apply for a bursary award from the college your daughter is attending! The Laura Ashley Foundation used to specialise  in assisting young women that were experiencing financial problems with fees for education, try them!

    It would be beneficial to fill in the spare time with extra courses.

  4. I really don't understand the situation Since you were told it is not "a higher education course neither a further education course." However,  You may try filling out the FAFSA, Many banks offer student loans, or applying for scholorshiops through websites like

  5. You can't be a solicitor without going to university.  Your daughter needs to do the work, get good grades and go to university.

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