
Where do i get the hm strength on pokemon pearl?

by Guest67234  |  earlier

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and please all the other ones




  1. this site shows you how to get all tms and hms

    (the hms are down the bottom)

  2. HM 01 Cut:  Cynthia will give you this once you head toward the northern area of Eterna City when you visit for your second badge.

    HM 02 Fly:  Is inside Team Galactic's warehouse in Veilstone city.

    HM 03 Surf: A lady will give this to you after you explore the cave in Celestic Town.

    HM 04 Strength:  On route 209, there is a large tower (the Lost Tower).  Work your way to the top floor, and talk to any of the two old ladies.

    HM 05 Defog: Inside the Great Marsh in Pastoria city, talk to the man with the green hair near the entrance and he will give you this HM.

    HM 06 Rock Smash:  When you enter the Oreburgh Gate, a hiker will give this to you.

    HM 07 Waterfall: After you beat the last gym leader, Volkner in Sunnyshore City, go to the city's small beach and talk to the girl there (Jasmine).  She will give you this HM.

    HM 08 Rock Climb:  Located nearby the western house on route 217.  This one is outside the house, I think it was a bit to the right-top side.  You can see it a bit through the blizzard.  If you can't, use the Dowsing Machine.

    Hope this helped!


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