
Where do i get this outfit ???

by  |  earlier

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I want the capris like the red/black one ??? Where do I get it ??? I also want the red/black jacket !!!!




  1. I saw it in a Sean John store.

  2. try hollister, aero, or target

  3. it looks like it says sean jean on the jacket. maybe go to a marshalls. they might have it. they have everything.

  4. Try ebay????

  5. if you want the same exact thing- it will be hard to find.but if you want like a similar version, then maybe going to regular athletic stores will have some type of the jacket and pants. a lot of stores will have stuff like this- good luck!! btw: that is really cute

    SEAN JOHN (:

  6. it all depends on where you live those clothes are made by sean john just go to and enter your information in the store locator.

  7. sean john

    macys or some other place that sells sean john

  8. try contacting beyonce


  10. EASY...Filene's

  11. baby phat?

  12. Any place that sells Sean John haha it says it right on there.

  13. you can even see the link says lauren london and cassie in new sean jean ad..... SEAN JEAN AD? i have no idea what sean jean is but i guess it might be a lead?

    get a brain before you get those not so pretty clothes.

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