
Where do i have to go in the west end london. to sell myself to rich old women. i am desperate in need of cash

by  |  earlier

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where do i have to go in the west end in london?>?? i am in desperate need of cash and this will help




  1. I beg your pardon, but rich old women don't have to pay for it, you know. There's no shortage of volunteers willing to invest their bodies for the short term in hopes of long-term benefits.

  2. I will come with you... then I can look for a rich old man....but there again I am not that really must be hard up.... why dont you get a proper job , and if that is not enough get two...

  3. I think you misunderstand rich older women.  If they were looking it would be for a courteous well dressed and well mannered man to pick them up and take them out to dinner.  You would be expected to be able to understand the menu and know what wine to choose and not embarrass yourself in etiquette.  They might even expect some intelligent conversation.

    If you are young and reasonably attractive you could go to one of the g*y pick up spots and earn yourself a fast ten quid.  Sounds like this might be more within your reach.

  4. ..............

  5. You can register with an escort agency but you would have to be pretty special - looks wise or whatever!!!

    I don't think you would get much hawking yourself round the streets.... "rich old women" don't pick just anyone up!

    I am sure there are better ways of making money....  Imagine how horrible you would feel afterwards and the danger you could put yourself in.

  6. Dude, I don't have an answer for you as I'm in the U.S., but that was the funniest question I've read all day!!!

    Good Luck!

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