
Where do i hide if there is a tornado about 29 feet away from my house but is coming tords my house?

by  |  earlier

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i need as much facts as there is about tornadoes NOW please=)




  1. basement, duh!

  2. uhm a celler or somewhere under ground. If not try the bathroom or safest area is an interior room or hallway of the lowest floor of a sturdy building.

  3. Well, hopefully you're only 2 feet away from your car...

    but in all seriousness, you go into the basement if you have one.  if you don't, you want to put as many walls as you can between yourself and the tornado.  If you have an inner room of some kind (bathroom, laundry room, et cetera) with no windows, that is the room to go into.  You should still be cautious in the bathroom, though, as the glass in the mirror might get knocked off the wall and possibly shatter. The smart thing to do would be duck into the tub or shower.

  4. If you have a basment go down there.

    If not:

    If you have time get a matress, pillows and put them in a bathroom. Put some pillows in side the bathtub the grab the matress and get in side of the bathtub with the matress over you. I doubt you would beable to do all of that in the time it takes a tornado the time to get to your house so I would but those things in place in case.


  5. Head "tords" the center and you should be good. Send us all a postcard from Oz.

  6. Cover your body with pillows and blankets and go into you basement. Good luck stay safe

  7. hide Inside the tornado


  9. Well all im saying is that if the tornado is 29 feet away then go to church because if your not dead then there is a God.

  10. get out of the house! or go somewhere that is low down.

  11. "House

    If you are in a house, get away from the windows (which will probably shatter) and go to the lowest floor. If there is a basement, go there and get under something such as a bench or table. If there is no basement, go to a center room with no windows, such as a closet or bathroom. If in the bathroom, lie down in the tub. Crouch down and if you have some padding such as a mattress to protect you from flying or falling debris, put that over you. Do not waste time that can be better spent getting to shelter by trying to open windows to prevent them from breaking.

    Tall building

    Go to the lowest floor or center of the building away from windows and close to an interior wall. Crouch down and cover your head. Do not get in the elevator; you'll be trapped if the electricity goes out, and there's always a chance that the lift mechanism will give out if the roof is damaged. If you're not too high, use internal stairways to reach the ground floor or basement. Stairwells are probably one of the safer places to seek shelter in such circumstances anyway (i.e. no windows, sturdy construction)."

    good luck. :]

  12. either way go underground, in the bathtub, or find a pipe that is 9 feet under use a belt wrap it around very tightly.  and u will survive.

  13. hide in the basement or if its that close hide in a bathroom /bath tub!!! cover your head!!!!

  14. In the basement or in the smallest room in your house. The closer the walls are together the better. The bathroom is normally that place, if you have time grab a mattress and put it over the bath tub.

  15. If there is a tornado 29 feet from you and is heading *clearing throat* "tords" you... You should go into the basement armed with a flashlight and a dictionary

  16. The best place is a basement or if you don't have a basement a downstairs bathroom. Bathrooms are a bit more sturdy then the rest of the house because of the pipes in the walls. It's a good idea to bring couch pillows in the bathroom with you and put them on top of your body.

  17. Tords?   What is that?  

    Do you mean: Tards, Turds, Teds, or maybe Fords?

  18. If you don't have  abasement to hide in, then your bathroom tub/shower enclosure would probably be your best bet.

  19. 29 feet is about the width of a driveway, so If it's 29 feet away, it's too late. If you do have time, get to a room with no windows like a closet or the bathroom, in the tub with a mattress over you. if you have a basement, go down there and get under a table.


  20. yeah, you'd probably be dead if it was that close and you were still in your house.  if you have a car or another large object outside your house, it will have destroyed your house.  Your best bet would be to start praying to whatever god you believe in.  the praying would have no effect, but he closer you are to the ground, the longer it will take for the roof to reach you.


  22. basement of your house, if you dont have a basement, get in the room that is most centralized in your house (closet or bathroom) and close the door

  23. An interior bathroom, or any interior room that has no windows.  Close the door and stay near the door.

    Good luck

  24. Lay down in your bath tub..Cover yourself with pillows....Most objects that fall around you will lay across the tub....covering you but hopfully not hitting you....

  25. Go away from your house

  26. if it gets as close as 29ft away & you havent taken cover yet,its too late! your home would have been gone before it got that close!

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