
Where do i keep my tampons when im at school?

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Im In High School and you cant Carry Purses, bags, anything like im i supposed to change my tampons when i cant carry purses around? do you have any suggestions of what i can do? oh and i only have like 3 minutes to get to my classes. and the bathrooms are really far what do i do?




  1. if u go to wal mart and u go the section where they sell pads and tampons they have little purse thingys they just look like they would carry a lipgloss or something like that in it. they are cheap too.

  2. Keep a pack in your locker, and during your lunch, just grab one, stick it in your pocket or up your sleeve, and go to the washroom.

    Aren't you allowed to walk with a backpack?  If so, then keep them in your backpack.  If not, how do you carry your books?

  3. wow your school sounds really retarded, but heres my suggestion. keep one in ur pocket throughout the day, and everytime you use one, keep a bunch in your bag and everytime you go to your locker put a new one in your pocket (and by pocket i mean your actual pocket, not some sick term for va-jay-jay) hope this helps

  4. i suggest pockets, ob (small and mighty!), or asking 4 acceptions (just tell ur vice, ur principal, and ur teachers that it's tht time of the month and u have no time for tampon switching. it may sound embarrasing but u can have a good laff with ur friends when u have to tell a guy

    or consider 5, 10 ,or 25 cent machines!

  5. I used to keep mine in a zippered binder thing I had. It was for a class I had after lunch so I went to the bathroom during lunch and used it. Just don't forget and let the tampon fall out in class!

  6. I use a really pretty eyeglass/sunglass case to carry mine in my purse. Don't know how feasable that would be for you to carry around, but if you can go back and forth to you locker it might work.

    I was thinking maybe one of those zippered pencil bags that fit in a note book might work too.

  7. My daughter carried them in her pocket or sleeve if long and in her shirt with a pin to fasten it on the inside of her loose shirt because she wore long shirts that week to hide any accidents since time and things was issues on when she might have a soak through.

  8. Wow, no bags at all?

    Can you at least ask to go to the bathroom during a class, so that you have more time to go? If you can do that, then you can keep tampons in a locker, get one before class, then go during the class.

    Or maybe you can get a reallly small one that would fit in your pocket? This is tough..

  9. i'd say get a pencil case with a lot of pockets and when you want to go to the bathroom slip it quickly into your pocket of your jeans so nobody would see. and if iyou can the best thing is a wristlet, thats what i do. im in high school too, if it's an emergency i go inbetween classes but if it's not i just ask to go to the bathroom during class. try to wear a better protecting tampon with more absorption in the morning and then use a lighter one later on in the day... idk why but that's just my habit!

  10. If you buy something small like the o.b. brand, then you can hide it in your pocket.  If you need to change them during the day use your lunch time for that.  It's not that hard.

  11. If you wear longer shirts that go past your pockets then put one in each pocket.......If you happen not to wear long pockets....If you carry a zip up binder then put a pencil bag in it and then put some tampons in there.......or depending what size bra you wear put some in there..(I dont recomend that)....And for 3 minutes if you can go during class try going then...or if your aloud to go to the bathroom at lunch change um them......Hope i helped...

  12. Are you in school or prison?

    Serious answer would be to get the little OB ones and stick them in your pocket, bra, shoe, or anything else it would fit in.  As far as the time you have between classes, I would say just ask your teachers if you could go to the bathroom - it's illegal not to let you.

  13. wow, that really does sound like a prison. lol. instead of going during the breaks ask the teacher if you can go to the bathroom and if they say no say your having "woman problems" lol, that always gets them. keep them in your locker and get one then go to the bathroom. itll be fine cuz no one is in the halls during that time.

  14. what do you keep books in?  if you cannot carry a bookbag, you have to lug 5 books home without a bag?  sounds like a horrible school to go to

  15. Have one of your parents write the school's principal.  That is so ridiculous.  For the meantime, see if you can carry one of those HARDCOVER eyeglass cases.  Those won't open if you drop them, so make sure its hardcover.   If a teacher corrects you, please show them a note that your parent wrote.  "Please allow my daughter to carry this small case today -- she has feminine products in it."

  16. More advise from my girlfriend. She says to either excuse your self from class, tell the teacher what the situation is and i am sure they will understand, take them to one side to ask them so no one else hears. If that is not possible then she suggests hiding it in your shoe or using pads because they would be easier to hide in your shoe/ bra. And then you have some thing extra if you hide it in  your bra ;)

  17. first off i can't believe your school.

    no purse?

    not even a back pack?

    so you have to carry all your books around and you only have 3 minutes to get to your locker to get books for the next class. when i was in high school we had 4 minutes. but we could carry purses and back packs so i'd just stuff everything in there and hurry to the bathroom between calss. and half the time i was late to class cuz of it.

    what i would suggest is if you have the 3 ring binders you can buy a pencil case that zips and has the 3 holes so that you can put them in your binder. and i would just put the tampons and/or pads if you use them in the pencil pouch and then just take your binder into the bathroom or if you have to go when already in class i would try to sneak the tampon out and into your pants when you need to go. like just slip it in half way and cover the top half with your shirt. i've done it before not at school but other places.

    hope i helped some.  

  18. hmm well, put them in your pocket, they are small enough. and go ahead, just whisper to the teacher why you are late. tell them its far away. if you are late have a talk with the principal.

    they will let it go,

    i mean girls go through enough shizz -__-

  19. If you are wearing long sleeves put in in your sleeve.

    Or if you get the compact tampons you can put it in your bra.

    Or some people put them in their shoes.

  20. Stick them in your pockets of your pants.

    Change them at lunch instead of inbetween classes, unless your really heavy you shouldn't need to change them after every class.

  21. Do you have a locker you can go to?

    Just ask to be dismissed to go to the bathroom, and go to your locker, grab a tampon, and do your thing.

    Or, does your school have those tampon dispensing machines? you could do that too.

  22. What do you mean you can't carry purses or bags? Your not allowd to have a backpacket? That is so weird... You should bring this up with the principal, hopefully he's a guy so the tampon matter will be slightly awkward and he will want it solved right away. I have never heard of not being able to carry a bag, and it seems highly unreasonable.

    My mom recently bought these small travel size tampons or something I think there from pearl anyway they are small and probably fit in your pocket. Thats the best I can think of. What do your other friends do to solve the problem?

  23. Buy the tampon pearls or another brand of the compact ones.  You can tuck them in the side of your sock if you wear hightops.

    Or, better,  you can bring a light sweater or light jacket with you and put them in the pockets.  You don't have to wear it, just carry it with you or tie it around your waist.

    Good luck!

  24. I would either get the compact kind that you can stick in your pocket (  OR you can use a folder or binder with a pocket to stick a tampon in when you pass your locker.  

    I can't believe you can't carry a purse!  How ridiculous!!

  25. Well, I haven't had mine yet but, at my school, we can't have bags either. However, we can have pencil cases! You could put them in there! Or, these are some other ideas...

    In a zip-able binder

    Your shoe

    A boot, in the winter (like the REALLY cute bear claw ones or ughs.)

    If you have small ones, you can put them in your bra.\

    And as for how to ask to go, just ask in the middle of class or go in passing period when you have a girl teacher and at the end of class, if you are late, tell her what is going on! She is a girl...

    Good Luck!

    <3 Meghan

  26. Carry a purse and if someone gives you trouble (especially a male teacher) Tell him your tampons are in there. 90% of the time they will back off immediately.

  27. well that sucks

    but anyway

    i dont care who knows when im on my period and if you dont then you can try this. carry around your tampons in your pocket or hand or whatever the worst the teachers can do is tell you to put them away and in that case tell them you need something to carry them in.

  28. well, if it were me, i would complain to the office about girls being able to have purses for that reason.  but since that prolly wont happen, i would suggest putting them in your locker, then when you feel you need one, tell your teacher the truth.  male teachers dont want to get into it (they think its gross) and female teachers know what its like, and will usually let you, if they dont, i would go to the office and explain your situation and the noncompliance of the teachers, but i would keep one in my pocket, or my shoe, or something, so that you have an emergency for just the occasion.

  29. Put them in a like a pencil bag in your locker and hide it kind of, or in your pants pocket. Or if you don't have pockets and can't put it in your locker place them in a zipper pencil case the one that has a huge pocket that you put in like 3 ring binders and just keep it in your binder. Hope I'd help now I have a question why can't you carry a purse?  

  30. the band of your pants, skirt, shorts whatever. or in your bra. you can even go to the nurse. since you seem new to having a period, you'll probably only need to change it once while at school.

  31. Just put 'em in your backpack, pocket, sleeve, whatever.  And if you're tardy, go ahead and tell the teacher, I guarantee you'll be okay, especially if it's a guy.  Don't be embarassed, just say you're "riding the Crimson Wave..." and they'll shut up and everyone will be laughing.

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