
Where do i position the traction pad on a fish surfboard?

by  |  earlier

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hi to all, i got myself a dakaine andy irons traction pad. Im riding a 6'6 x 22 1/8 "fish" board. Tri fin Fcs.

Ive been reading articles and forums on how to put on traction pads, they usually say to place it on top of the fins, where the kickbar is somewhat in line with the center fin.... or an inch or so from the leash plug. does this work the same way for a "fish"?

The problem i saw was i was looking at my back foot marks on the board, and its not exactly on top of the fins. Which spot is best? is there anything i should know?

Please help, i need to know where to slap this on.. thanks in advance....

pic of the board ::

its the one on the right.




  1. huh!!!

  2. first, you gotta figure out why you want the foot pad, for looks or true function.  Typically you put the pad directly over the fins, since this is the true pivot point when you cut back onto the lip of a wave.

  3. Place it over the fins.

    If your back foot mark is further up the board, then you probably aren't getting the most out of your turns. You'll find the board much more responsive if you turn it from the back (ie from the fins)

    I had the same problem but I found when I put the pad on (over the fins), it helped remind me of where my back foot should be and I think it helped improve my surfing a lot as well.

    Had a similar board as you too. Hope this helps

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