
Where do i put hydrolic fluid on my 1978 century boat, and how. it is a mercruser 470?

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Where do i put hydrolic fluid on my 1978 century boat, and how. it is a mercruser 470?




  1. Hydraulic fluid for what? If it's for the MerCruiser power trim, you put hydraulic fluid in the fluid tank on the trim motor. However, MerCruiser likes ATF (there isn't a whole lot of difference, but use ATF) in their hydraulic systems. The tank isn't very big (less than one quart) but there's still a bunch in the lines, so fill the tank until it's about 80% full (or just below the full line) and you should be all set. The trim motor is usually on the left side of the engine when you're looking at the engine from inside of the boat, however some boat manufacturers put it on the right side. If you have trim tabs, more than likely they are Bennett Trim Tabs. You usually use ATF for those as well, and the tank is usually mounted on transom wall or on the floor of the engine compartment like the outdrive power trim. You would fill the trim tab tank until it is just below the full line and then you should be fine.

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