
Where do i put my Mouse 4 cage clean out?

by  |  earlier

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can jump out of bathtub, can open plastic ball! ESCAPE ARTIST! how do i clean her cage and then put her back in... where do i put her




  1. You can purchase a small animal carrier from most pet stores. For instance, this one:

  2. A large box, I used to breed mice for feeders and when I cleaned out the cage I would put the mice in a large plastic box, and clean out the cage.  even if you get an old coffee can and put small holes on top of the lid for her to breath.

    Its really not rocket science here.

  3. buy them a ball that they can run around in; they will like it a lot. Thats what I do with my gerbil.He enjoys it. Or you could try this..........

  4. I suggest you have a separate cage, maybe smaller to put him in while you're cleaning it.  if this isn't possible i suggest you get one of those balls you put rodents in to run around in.  If you use the ball dont take too long to clean his cage out.  If you live with anyone you could see if they'd like to watch your mice while you clean the cage.  Have fun :D

    edit:oh hey, if he'll sit on your shoulder like a rat that can be worked with

  5. I have a little plastic bowl with a lid that has small holes in it so she can breathe.  I have never had a problem with her escaping.

  6. I think it would be best if you either use a shoe box with padding in it or even buy a smaller cage to put your mice in while your cleaning the larger cage.

  7. get something like this...

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