
Where do i sell my Pokemon Cards?

by  |  earlier

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I have been going through my room and i found my old collection of Pokemon Cards. Where is the best place to sell them for profit? Or does such a place even exist?

BTW These cards are holographic( shiny) so they are actually worth something...




  1. You can sell them to your friends or put them on Ebay.

  2. Ok first you want to try to sell them to the cool popular kids . Then try the cool kids in Yu-Gi-Oh club and if that doesn't work try or Ebay.

  3. You can calculate the price and put them on ebay. There's a chart for these things:

    common is worth about $5

    uncommon is worth about $7

    rare is worth about $10

    holographics are worth about $30 (the old school kind, not the kind that they started throwing in there like the holographic-on-the-outside oddish.) the language that they are in also boosts the price a bit. If it's in Japanese, you can probably add a few bucks to its worth.

  4. ebay or local card shop

  5. Ebay, every1 sells their junk there

  6. ebay

  7. Don't sell them! Those are your memories! I sold mine and I regret it completely, trust me- it's not worth the twenty dollars you might get from it, if you're lucky.

  8. Wait until Pokemon stops airing and making new [crappy] episodes. They will be worth more money in the future!

  9. well, sell them to kids who go at trading card stores, comic book stores, or comic book conventions. they will give you good money

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