
Where do i send my car designs?

by  |  earlier

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i have quite a few car designs which i made i want 2 send it 2 a good car company where do they accept such designs




  1. no car company will accept your design directly ....try sending them to dilip chabrias office ...u can get details on his website...if he likes hem he might even give u  break...

  2. You are asking the same ques. I asked everyone months before. I also created car designs . I created a complete model in Rhino and wanted to sell my design to a car company.

    I even send my designs to Mclaren Automotive but they didn't reply. Actually they do not accept directly. If you have become a professional then u should apply for job or unless you have something designed to supereme with full mechanics , aerodynamics, perfect class model. If you have not like me then first complete a design course from a reputed institute.

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