
Where do most people live in australia ?

by Guest45148  |  earlier

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population distribution. Sydney ? :S




  1. All capital cities are located on/near the coast so that's where the majority of people live.  Sydney is the largest city followed by Melbourne.

  2. We live along the coast mainly.  As for which cities, Sydney and Melbourne

  3. Sydney and all the capital cities

  4. Most of Australia's population is spread around the outer perimeter of Australia, because the middle of Australia is mostly desert. So all major cities such as Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Bunderberg, Mackay, Rockhampton, Townsville and Cairns to name a few, are all on the coast line of Australia.

  5. the coast

    the centre is too hot and dry

    people mainly live on the east coast

    sydney has the most closely followed by melbourne then there's brisbane, perth and i dont know the order following that

    i recall learning that people tend to live on the east coast because something about the wind direction or something direction that makes the east coast not as dry maybe

  6. on the east coast. Melbourne and Sydney are the major cities.

    In fact, approximately 40% of Australia's population live in either Sydney or Melbourne.

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