
Where do most sailors keep their happy socks?

by Guest64983  |  earlier

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I use to keep my under my mattress.




  1. when Decomming one of his Ships, DH found several behind/beneath the bulkheads.  

  2. "under the mattress".....Now there is an imaginative hiding inspecting officer would ever think of looking there !!

    What did you do on board ship?..... no mattresses

    Had a recruit visit the doctor because of a rash.....the doctor told him to scrub his p***s vigorously with Phisohex.....the recruit refused explaining if someone saw him they would think he was "playing with himself"

    The doctor gave him a perscription that authorized him to play with himself in the shower. Last I heard the bidding was up to $20 for the perscription.

  3. i heard of a guy who kept it in his butt hole....but im just saying

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