
Where do my ancestors come from?

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We dont know about any old ancestors that are from different countries, but its thought they are all British.

However, my great great nan was Irish we think (O'Riley?) and Grandad Welsh?

Many people ask me if Im from: Ireland, England, America, France, Scotland, Wales, Italy, Norway or Australia.

I dont know why but my features seem to stand out.

This may be completely irralivant lol but Im curious so no mean answers please :) Or if u know any good features sites it would be vvvv helpful x

I am 14 and 1/2 and am 5"4, quite thin. VERY pale and when I go in the sun, only my face gets red then freckerly. It takes me quite a while to go tanned. I have VERY VERY dark brown eyes like from Asia then really dark eyelashes. My hair is quite thick and have to have it layered. It is between red and blonde. My nose and mouth a kinda small and I have a high forhead.

My name is Katie Johnson and my mums name is Humphries, part Welsh Any features from specific countries? Please help =]




  1. Pale, freckles and reddish hair sounds Irish to me.  They said on CBS Sunday morn show that red hair is from Ireland.

  2. If you're part Irish, you probably have some Viking blood in you, too. The Vikings, when they were carrying on their depredations, invaded Ireland, among other places. The Vikings are where the Irish got their red hair from. Probably a lot of Swedes have fair skin, too.

  3. It is possible your ancestry comes from many different places.  

    I also have a skin cancer type pigmentation, was born with red hair and blue eyes. I have the somewhat small upturn nose with a little k**b on top that when I was a child got bright red.  Actually, I was kidded about being the inspiration of Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer.  When I was young I couldn't stand freckles.  O.J.'s lotion use to advertise that it got rid of freckes.  I bought me some and my mother "warned" me that it would make my freckles worse if I didn't stay out of the sun.  I did just as she said and I got rid of my freckles.   Until I got wiser I credited O.J.'s lotion for my success.

                           The Gaels are very much in my father's line.  However, one marriage in Ireland brought in Spanish, Italian and Austrian and some other things.

    My mother had a father that was Polish, Polish Jew, German, English and Native American.   Her mother was of colonial American ancestry with people coming from England, Alsace, France, Scotland and Northern Ireland.  However, I recently had a mitochondrial DNA test done and I fall in Haplogroup K1 so some place back down the line my maternal grandmother's line probably is a Jewish ancestor.  Also it would mean according to Orthodox and Conservative Judaism, I, as well as all my direct female line ancestors are Jews.  For them it has nothing to do with belief.

  4. I'm 14 as well, and 5' 4". I have really pale skin andmy mom said it's irish.

  5. Whether you believe the fact is we come from Adam and Eve! Every one of us then because of differances ,separation,wars,etc people became confused at where they came from. We share the same DNA just different cultures. We all are his Children literally unless we choose different. The only differance between different nationalities,races,religions,cultures,e... is exactly that which I stated.We come from God where we end up is our own choice! Remember all is explained through your best referance the bible. All other books are copying from or trying to fight the truth that is plainly written within.You asked where you ancestors come from I told you the truth!God bless you and open your eyes as he has mine!

  6. If they were British it's not too helpful, because we are such a mongrel bunch.

    Take an mtDNA (maternal) deep ancestry test and get your Dad, brother or paternal Uncle to do a YDNA (paternal) deep ancestry test.  

    These will give you a stunningly accurate picture of the migration routes of your paternal line and maternal line ancestors, even down to 'when' they were in different places.

    Visit,, or

    I've done this and I have to say it is the most exciting journey I have ever taken.

    best regards,


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