
Where do normal unnice children and normal unnice adults get off ridiculing people with mental disabilities?

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i know for a fact that these people really cannot be "nice" to people with mental disabilities cause they are unnice; meaning not "good", not "friendly", not "kind", not treating someone on the equal page.




  1. Great question but I must admit not all people hold that opinion, plus now you know that these people aren't worth having as friends anyways....It will make it real easy to recognize real people when you meet them..don't give in.

  2. It's not just the so called "normal" ones, either. I have autism and have found plenty of mean, spiteful people with autism @ support groups. It's a cruel world and I find the only way to survive is to keep to myself having as minimal contact with people as possible. I am very close to my mother. If you can find one person worthy of letting in, you're lucky. The rest, in my book, can go to h***.

  3. Hi,

    You really have to understand human nature.

    People, young or old, who ridicule others, whether it is because of a disability or their weight or the color of their skin, so because they have low self esteem.

    In their small world, being unkind to others makes them feel better about themselves.

    It's an unfortunate fact of life that is best ignored.

  4. I suppose they do it so they can feel better or more important than the people they are ridiculing.  

    I always tell people that is not acceptable when I hear it.

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