
Where do nurses still wear old-fashioned uniforms?

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Where do nurses still wear old-fashioned uniforms?




  1. Nowhere really.  My mother is a registered nurse, and they wear colorful scrubs.  Sometimes they wear a lab coat too.  You look at their name badge and ask them their job title if you want to know if they are a nurse.  

    Doctors will wear a shirt and tie (males) or a blouse or nice shirt (females) as well as a white doctor's coat that usually has their name embroidered on the coat.  They also have a name badge too.  

    Wearing modern uniforms allows nurses more physical flexibility to administer medications AND to clean bed pans, both of which are in my mother's job description.

    Nurses certainly don't get paid poor wages either.  According to, most registered nurses in the US make over $50,000 a year.

  2. Because they still get paid old-fashioned wages.

  3. Very few nurses chhose to wear the "old fashioned" white uniform. The little white dresses and starched slacks and the little caps just aren't practical for the working environment. Now we usually wear scrubs which are usually made of light weight materials that enable us freedom of movement. Some Catholic Hospitals employ nuns which wear different uniforms and every once in a while you will find and old school nurse still rocking the white uniform. Alot of hospitals assign one color of scrubs to nursing and another color to other staff so that you can tell the difference in nurses, techs, etc... Othre hospitals and offices let you wear whatever scrub you like. Some nurses choose white scrubs, but very few.....they show alot of stains!!! Some nursing schools wear white scrubs and most all wear white uniforms for graduation.

  4. That depends.. Hospital nurses wear different outfits.Hospital nurses most likely don't wear scrubs.. they wear more the type of uniform the hospital provides for them so that people know they are nurses... and they all have to follow a special dress code..  if someone is a health care worker.. and works in a long term care home or a retirmenent setting they can choose colour and design of their uniform but they need to wear uniform which is called 'scrubs'' they even wear Mickey mouse ones and Betty Boop'' LOL but  have to adhear to certain codes of dressing.. such as long hair has to be tied back always.. or hair has to be below shoulder lenght if worn open.. not a lot of make up... not a lot of jewellery.. because that can hurt the patient when the health care worker or nurse needs to wash him.. no long nails..  but trimmed and nail varnish is allowed but either clear varnish or pastel colours .. no red or shrill colours... and no big earrings either... x*x

  5. Hospitals mostly.. but there are still doctor's offices that insist their nurses wear uniforms also.

  6. I wish a lot more places.  I feel better when I see them in the nice white uniforms.  I can actually tell who is a nurse and who is just there to clean up the bed pan.  When everyone is running around in different color scrubs it just confuses me...I like to see nurses in White uniforms so that I know they are the ones who are supposed to be giving me medication......not some crazed lunatic who came off the street, made up a name badge, put on a pair of snoopy scrubs and is giving me random sponge baths and pills!!!

    Peace & Love :)

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