
Where do our rights come from?

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I often read and hear people talk about their rights...right to choose this or that, right to live a certain way, ect....

So where do these rights come from? Who decides what rights we truly have, and what decisions should be taken from us and made for us?




  1. There are legal rights which come from human laws and go through human jurisprudence.

    There are Universal laws of the universe which we can stand upon and know they will be born out as true.

  2. Don't know where they came from -But I know where they're going.

  3. Our rights come from obligations incumbent upon other people.

    Other people's rights come from obligations incumbent upon us.

  4. There is an old saying that mostly has to do with analyzing political issues or candidates - "It all depends upon whose ox is being gored." That said, our rights and prohibitions are derived chiefly from anything that facilitates money-making or threatens to stop the flow of money to those who have the most.

  5. Jesus

  6. Rights are inherent, they belong to us as members of the human species.  No one can give you rights and no one can take away your rights.  The people living in North Korea have exactly the same rights as us, they are just ruled by a government that infringes upon these rights.  

    The Bill of Rights did not give us our rights, it merely stated some of the most important of them so that our government would be less likely to pass laws violating those rights.  The Bill of Rights is not a complete list of every right a person has.  The 9th amendment says, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."  

    We all have a basic understanding that we should treat all people with the same respect, in the way that we would like to be treated.  This is the foundation of human rights.  

  7. Our rights are intrinsic to our human nature. As Thomas Jefferson said, "Nature's God." Therefore, we must be active in government (which is Democratic, and therefore 'Us') and force it to protect those rights from Tyrany within and without.  

  8. Not from NASCAR. They only have lefts !

  9. We get our rights at birth.  The only restriction that should be placed on them is when they intersect with other peoples' rights.  You can swing your fist all you want, just don't let it connect with my nose!

  10. the needing of coexistence

  11. Rights come from our ancestors who fought for equality and human rights, they come from US the people who help decide whats fair in a concenus known as our government.

  12. Lol, Mr.P, you got it.

  13. Well, there's legally a certain document with the basic rights of all people. I /think/ it's the Geneva Convention, but I'm probably just being a complete idiot and mixing it up with a totally different document. I haven't had my coffee yet, forgive me.

  14. Colt, Smith and Wesson, Beretta etc...

  15. They're 'inter-subjective', i.e. they're subjective things agreed upon by two or more people.  Ultimately they're the product of evolution, as we are.

  16. First they came from our swords, then later from our guns.

  17. Opposite of our lefts.

  18. the government decides what rights we have which is a way of controlling us and shows that relly we dont have many

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