
Where do papers come from?

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a colleauge asked me this question today and we had a debate on this who knows the correct and actual answer?




  1. papers come from trees.

  2. interesting, but I would have to say trees, 100%

  3. the newsagent

    paper can be made from any plant can do it at home.

  4. The base molecule of pepar is cellulose. Main raw matter for paper manufacturing is wood pulp from trees. However it could be amde from other cellulose sources like cotton.

    Dollar bills are cotton made

    Here is a little detail if you like

  5. papyrus tree, chineese people actually found it!!

  6. Trees moron

  7. trees

  8. to palm trees.

  9. paper come frm bark of d ancient times, people used to scracth on d bark. later on they developed ink to write on barks. finally chinese were first to invent paper out of tree's bark.

  10. marijuana plants

  11. Office Depot

  12. Paper comes from trees. If you mean Newspapers they come from newsagents where people buy them from.

  13. trees!

    Trees are felled and then cut. Wood is transformed to paper, carton and materials like these through machinery.The consumption of paper is increasing and a lot of importance is being given for not wasting any paper, because trees are being reduced very very quickly - especially in the Amazon Forest.

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