
Where do people get the myth that the majority of scientist agree that global warming is caused by man?

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No evidence that the overwhelming majority of scientist agree that its real and the global warming alarmist refuse to debate. So why is it assumed that most scientist say its caused by man and not a cycle we are in.




  1. from the news recycleable leader himself al gore. He plays on the sheople minded fools fears!

  2. most scientists seem to think it's true...

    the vast majority of the studies done on the subject seem to point to man-made global warming... and not a natural cycle, which scientists are aware of...

    maybe it depends on what you call "overwhelming"...

    there are scientists out there that dispute almost every accepted scientific "fact"... there aren't that many overwhelming majorities...

    this goes back far before Gore got involved...

  3. That's not the point. Both sides say the Earth is warming despite of cause. Thus the debate should be what will be the consequences and how can we prevent the damage of such consequences. Just because it was not caused by man does not mean it relieves us and mankind as a whole of the responsibility of saving our own asses.

  4. Because Al Gore told them to believe it and he even made a graph and showed a polar bear that had no ice.

    Makes me wonder where all that ice went when the ice age finished.....hmmm.

  5. Well regardless of what you believe there has been a marked change in recent years in the average yearly temperature and precipitation within certain "climate zones".  When that average temperature is changed in all those zones worldwide it is cause for alarm and it has been.  This could only have been caused by man emitting greenhouse gasses by burning the various fuels that we had at our disposal.  If you really want to argue about our responsibility in this you only need to think about exactly how much of these "greenhouse gasses" were emitted into the atmosphere from when the industrial revolution started to the present day.  You might also want to take a look at the major cities during the hayday of the industrial revolution like New York, Los Angeles, London, Paris, or Rome.

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