
Where do people rank Dustin Pedroia in the MVP race?

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Just curious. I think he has been the Sox MVP for the year. I think he should at least finish in the top four or five in the voting. I never heard a manager sound so happy about watching a player hammer his team as Ozzie sounded talking about Pedroia.




  1. idk.. pedroia is a great player but i think longoria of the rays might sneak through.

  2. He might be a top 10 candidate but I don't think he's going to win it.

    He is leading the AL in batting average, runs and hits and is tied for 7th in games played, tied for 2nd in at bats, 3rd in plate appearances, 5th in total bases, tied for 2nd in doubles, 2nd in singles, tied for 8th in runs created, 6th in times on base and 3rd in at bats per strikeout.

  3. I would rank him 3rd.

    Unfortunately for him though, it's a distant third because of the numbers that Hamilton and Quentin are putting up individually. He's got a good career ahead of him and if he plays remotely close to the way he's playing this year, then this wont be the last time that his name is mentioned in the MVP race.

  4. I  dont...

    he's a midget

  5. i believe pedroia is right up there wiwth all of the others, i dont see many other people with stats like him. he at least deserves a gold glove. GO sox

  6. Dustin right up there,   and alot of people never thought he be this good either.

  7. Top five(not in order)






  8. In the top 5. He is having an amazing season. Should win a gold glove too.

  9. Well, during MVP voting, voters don't really go for contact hitters. That's what the Silver Slugger award is for(For the player with the best batting average for their positions in their respective leagues.) Then comes the matter of his defense...which is covered by the Golden Glove. The MVP is not really the most valuable player but the player with the best offensive numbers(HRs and RBIs and sometimes Rs). Pedroia only ranks up there in runs. That's why he'll fall below the top 5 mark.

  10. I'd put him behind only Carlos Quentin and Josh Hamilton

  11. I think you would have to put him in the top 5 or 6 with Quentin, Hamilton, Dye, Youkilis, and maybe Justin Morneau.

    I would argue that Youk is just as valuable as Pedroia at the plate, but Justin's glove really distinguishes him. He has been spectacular in the field.  I just don't know if MVP voters pay as much attention ot defense as they should.

  12. 5

  13. I would rate Pedroia highly. A lot of people talk about RBIs, but the fact of the matter is Pedroia does not hit in the middle of the order, and without people like him the middle of the order hitters wouldn't pile up RBI. Josh Hamilton has been cold since the All-Star break, and the only other player that has been as valuable to his team as Pedroia is Quentin.

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