I guess I've always been a little unclear on what seems like a contradiction to me. Religious conservatives view abortion as murder, but also view premarital s*x as a sin. I can remember when the right was all up in arms because a character on a TV show was having a child out of wedlock. It was considered a serious affront to the sensibilities of the nation.
Now, I'm no conservative, and I'm not religious. So I just can't understand how come the right is rallying around Sarah Palin's 17-year-old daughter, who's not married, and having a child? In addition, how can proponents of abstinence-only s*x education still claim that it works? Palin is an outspoken supporter of abstinence-only education, which would lead one to expect that's the line she would take with her own children. Yet her own children seem (to me) to be proving that abstinence education doesn't work, even in the best of conditions (intact family, upper income, churchgoing.) How do these facts reconcile?